Do you know exactly where you stand?
What is your differentiator against your competitors?
Issue Description
Nowadays there are no more "new" customers to acquire. The main concern is how to keep the existing customers and how to poach customers from the competition.
Thus, quality of services and technical advantages are the most important differentiators to convince new customers and to keep the existing ones.
These questions demand an answer:
- Do you know exactly where you stand?
- Do you know who your competitors are?
- Do you have problems in your network and are you trying to find out the root cause?
- Have you implemented a new Technology?
- Do you know about the quality of your inbound roaming services?
Our Solution
Benchmarking is a process, that is best understood when products are compared and measured in a continuous routine, with those of the strongest competitor.
This process is particularly performed with the world's leading companies.
Benchmarking is therefore by no means a unique competitive analysis. Rather, benchmarking is a continuous improvement, in a system, which is implemented directly in the company. With it, the management has a tool with which the company's objectives and activities are under constant observation and the changing needs of customers can be customized.
Benchmarking is more important today than ever because every day diverse market conditions tighten considerably. With the use of Benchmarking, enterprises can remain competitive and viable. Benchmarking means to compare and measure products parallel, to determine which has the better quality.
Examples are with the following:
- Operators

- Technologies
- Location
- Frequencies
- ... many more
When is Benchmarking applicable?
When new technologies are introduced.
Inbound Roaming, finding the best operator of the country when you are the regulator.
If you have several different frequencies in the same network:
2G, 3G, 4G (900/950/1800/1900/2100/2600) for example to access new frequencies.
Technical Highlights
XMASS Technical Benefits
- 180° Testing coverage – Service Testing, Roaming, VAS Testing, Benchmarking, Radio, POLQA/ PESQ/MOS, Portal Testing, Content Validation, Device Compatibility, VIP Customer Care
- Network independent (2G / 3G / 3G+ / LTE / LTE+ / DSL / LAN / WiMAX / PSTN / ISDN)
- Most comprehensive test case library (Call, SMS, MMS, Email, FTP, HTTP, WAP, Portal Testing, DNS, Ping, Video/Audio Streaming, TCP/UDP, VAS)
- Complex Cross Service Testing capabilities (i.e. WAP Browsing + RTSP, HTTP + SMS, Call + USSD, etc.)
- Best Practice for Product based Testing – pre-launch phase or live (i.e. Video- or Music Portals)
- Linkless Testing – Test probe communication over the air (2G/3G/4G automatic mode)
- Stationary, Mobile and Drive testing capabilities
- Network Radio Parameter Monitoring during standard tests carry out
- Ad Hoc and field testing capabilities for fast problem identification
- Handset profiling and inter-compatibility tests capabilities
- Handset Profile Recorder for additional handset Profiles generation within few seconds
- Blackberry Testing
- SIM Array Sharing (One SIM Array for multiple Installations or many SIM Arrays connected to the same Installation)
- Easy probe distribution using Plug and play mechanism
- Remote test software update, even over the air
- Easy probe units management and configuration over the air (SMS) and over LAN
- Probe unit monitoring / alarming
- Probe Unit Remote Access and Remote Login, even over the air
- Multi-user web based application with comprehensive access rights management Personalized web-based access on management console
- Plug-in based system (new modules can be added quick and easy)
- Standalone rapid test scenario designer (XMASS RDS)
- Layer 3 tracing capabilities (optional)
- Built-in IP Tracer for depth analysis
- Automatic HTTP and WAP test scenario creation using HTTP/WAP Recorder
- Test Scenario exchange between different users und different platforms using standard XML format
- Test results local storage capabilities on probes (backup)
- Network, Provider, Technology and Band forcing
- 180° Testing coverage – Service Testing, Roaming, VAS Testing, Benchmarking, Radio, POLQA/ PESQ/MOS, Portal Testing, Content Validation, Device Compatibility, VIP Customer Care
- Network independent (2G / 3G / 3G+ / LTE / LTE+ / DSL / LAN / WiMAX / PSTN / ISDN)
- Most comprehensive test case library (Call, SMS, MMS, Email, FTP, HTTP, WAP, Portal Testing, DNS, Ping, Video/Audio Streaming, TCP/UDP, VAS)
- Complex Cross Service Testing capabilities (i.e. WAP Browsing + RTSP, HTTP + SMS, Call + USSD, etc.)
- Best Practice for Product based Testing – pre launch phase or live (i.e. Video- or Music Portals)
- Link Less Testing – Test probe communication over the air (2G/3G/4G automatic mode)
- Stationary, Mobile and Drive testing capabilities
- Network Radio Parameter Monitoring during standard tests carry out
- Ad Hoc and field testing capabilities for fast problem verification
- Handset profiling and inter compatibility tests capabilities
- Handset Profile Recorder for additional handset Profiles generation within few seconds
- Blackberry Testing
- SIM Array Sharing (One SIM Array for multiple Installations or many SIM Arrays connected to the same Installation)
- Easy probe distribution using Plug and play mechanism
- Remote test software update, even over the air
- Easy probe units management and configuration over the air (SMS) and over LAN
- Probe unit monitoring / alarming
- Probe Unit Remote Access and Remote Login, even over the air
- Multi user web based application with comprehensive access rights management Personalized web based access on management console
- Plug-in based system (new modules can be added quick and easy)
- Standalone rapid test scenario designer (XMASS RDS)
- Layer 3 tracing capabilities (optional)
- Build-in IP Tracer for depth analysis
- Automatic HTTP and WAP test scenario creation using HTTP/WAP Recorder
- Test Scenario exchange between different user und different platforms using standard XML format
- Test results local storage capabilities on probes (backup)
- Network, Provider, Technology and Band forcing
XOS Technical Benefits
- Open Architecture
- Near Real-Time continuous KPI/KQI Monitoring System
- Powerful KPI/KQI Dash-boarding
- Topological representation of Data
- Infinite number of cascading KPI/KQIs
- Powerful Drill-Down capabilities (e.g. KQIs -> KPIs -> Results -> Trace)
- Diverse visualization types (Traffic light, Tables, Charts, Map, etc.)
- Fully flexible Thresholding
- Scriptable Thresholding logic
- Highly flexible alarming logic (scriptable)
- Diverse types of alarming like Email, SMS, SNMP, JMS, etc.
- Diverse Data-Sources like Database, XML, SOAP, JMS, flat files, JMX, etc.
- Fully flexible scheduling for Data Collection
- Highly customizable User Interface
- Users and Groups access right management
- GIS & Map Integration
Xanalyse Technical Benefits
- Enterprise, world class BI and Reporting environment powered by SAP/BusinessObjects
- Complex Data Analysis using ETL Tools, DWH and Reporting Environment
- Enterprise DWH Solution
- Standard (daily, weekly, monthly) and Ad Hoc Reporting
- Automatic Report generation and Distribution (e.g. PDF via Email)
- Drill-Down capabilities within Reports
- Fully flexible, web-based Report Editing capabilities
- Diverse Data Sources (Database, XML, Excel Files, Flat Files, etc.)
- Built-in Dash-boarding Environment
- Desktop Report Designer
- Dedicated Server Hardware
- Dedicated NAS/SAN Storage Solution providing data deduplication and data compression
Economic Benefits
- Save money
- Save human resources
- Retain customers
- Identify your differentiators against competition
- Satisfied customers generate new customers (word-of-mouth recommendation)
- Push your CEM by using your early-warning system (Problems can be fixed before customer satisfaction will be affected)
Tools involved